All posts by AIHC Home Health Blog

Healing Harmonies: Music's Role in Soothing Dementia Agitation

Try these tips to incorporate music therapy to decrease dementia agitation for someone you love.

The power of music on our moods is monumental. Just think about how it makes you feel to hear a marching band play patriotic songs during a parade. Now compare that to how you feel listening to the song you danced to with your spouse on your wedding day. It stands to reason that incorporating music into caring for a loved one can also have profound effects. In fact, it can even decrease dementia agitation.

How Can Music Help Someone With Dementia?

Rather than simply telling you, we suggest watching this powerful video to see for yourself the incredible transformation achieved through music for someone with dementia. Music is awakening and restorative, with the ability to instantly spark joy and memories.

Have you ever heard a song on the radio that transports you to a particular time or event? Our brains are essentially hard-wired to link music to long-term memories. This is even true for those in the most advanced stages of dementia.

Music & Memory, a non-profit organization that provides personalized music for individuals through digital technology, explains that listening to familiar and loved music can decrease agitation in dementia, lower anxiety levels, and enhance focus on the present, allowing for a better connection with others. The staff at Music & Memory educates family caregivers on how to create and implement these individualized playlists with the people they love to help them reconnect with the world through musical memories.

How to Develop Your Own Music Therapy Strategy

You can easily implement music therapy yourself with someone you love. If the person can tell you their favorite genre of music, artists, and songs, compile them into a playlist and share them with the individual, either with or without headphones. If you’re unsure, consider what music was popular during a certain period of time, such as Big Band music, or if they might enjoy music affiliated with their spiritual beliefs. Music connected to the person’s ethnic history is also a great starting point, such as reggae, salsa, country, jazz, blues, etc.

Gauge the person’s reaction as you experiment with different types of music. If the person seems to be anxious or agitated at any time, turn the music off and try a different genre later. Make note of which songs or types of music spark joy, and play them on a regular basis. You can also play these songs whenever a loved one displays feelings of anxiety, agitation, or fear to help calm them. Music can serve as a wonderful distraction from negative feelings and can even bring about thoughts of happier times.

How Can Home Care Help?

The services of a referred care provider from American, Advocate, or Whitsyms In-Home Care are readily available to help create playlists and incorporate music into a loved one’s dementia care toolbox, along with other effective tactics to alleviate the many challenging aspects of the disease.

Contact us to learn more about how a referred care provider can help someone you love enjoy a better quality of life with personalized in-home care services. Click the link to the location nearest you below:

State of Florida License and Registration Numbers: 30211518, 30211651, 30211295, 30211390, 30210978, 30211293, 30211382, 30211504, 30211733, 30211535, 30211531, 30211710, 30211709, 30211045, 5661

Weathering the Winter Blues: Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder in Older Adults

Learn how to manage the effects of seasonal affective disorder in older adults.

As the days grow shorter and the seasons change ever so slightly in Florida, many people, especially older adults, experience a noticeable change in their mood and energy levels. This phenomenon is known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that typically strikes during the late fall and winter months. It can be particularly challenging for older adults who may already face reduced mobility or illness, forcing them to spend more time indoors. Understanding the common symptoms of seasonal affective disorder in older adults can help loved ones provide practical strategies to effectively manage and prevent this condition.

Common Symptoms of SAD in Older Adults

  • Persistent Sadness: One of the hallmark symptoms of seasonal affective disorder in older adults is a persistent feeling of sadness or hopelessness that lasts for days or even weeks.
  • Fatigue and Low Energy: Older adults with SAD often experience increased fatigue and low energy levels, making it harder for them to engage in their daily activities.
  • Social Withdrawal: SAD can lead to social isolation as individuals may lose interest in socializing and prefer to stay indoors.
  • Changes in Appetite and Weight: Some older adults with SAD may overeat, especially foods high in carbohydrates, leading to weight gain.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Depression can disrupt sleep patterns, causing insomnia and/or excessive sleepiness during the day.
  • Difficulty Concentrating: Older adults with SAD may struggle to concentrate or make decisions.

What Are Some Strategies to Manage and Prevent Seasonal Affective Disorder in Older Adults?

  • Light Therapy: Light therapy, or phototherapy, involves exposing individuals to bright, artificial light that mimics natural sunlight. This can help regulate mood and improve sleep patterns. Encourage older adults to sit in front of a light therapy box for 20-30 minutes each morning. Alternatively, encourage a loved one to spend time outside each day, even during the winter months, soaking up some Florida sunshine.
  • Increase Physical Activity: It is well documented that exercise can boost mood and reduce symptoms of depression. Support loved ones in engaging in regular physical activity, even if it's just a short walk outside or simple stretching exercises indoors to help alleviate the symptoms of depression. Group activities or classes can also provide a social component, combating isolation.
  • Maintain a Healthy Diet: A well-balanced diet can significantly impact mood and energy levels. Older loved ones should consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, limiting the intake of processed foods and sugary snacks, which can cause blood sugar levels and mood swings to fluctuate.
  • Create a Supportive Environment: For older adults who may spend more time indoors, it's crucial to create an environment that promotes well-being. Ensure their living space is well-lit and comfortable. Consider decorating their home with cheerful colors and adding plants to bring a touch of nature indoors.
  • Stay Connected: Social interaction is vital for mental health, which makes staying connected with family and friends crucial. Arrange regular phone calls, video chats, or visits to combat feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Seek Professional Help: If SAD symptoms persist or worsen, it's essential to seek professional help. A healthcare provider can assess the situation and recommend appropriate treatment options, such as counseling, medication, or other therapies tailored to the individual's needs.

Home Care Can Help

Seasonal affective disorder can be particularly challenging for older adults, who may already face mobility issues or illness. In-home care services from the referred care providers at American, Advocate, and Whitsyms In-Home Care can help older loved ones stay healthy and maintain social connections through the winter season and beyond.

Contact us to learn more about how a referred care provider can help older adults alleviate feelings of SAD while getting the care they need in the comfort of their homes. Click the link to the location nearest you below:

State of Florida License and Registration Numbers: 30211518, 30211651, 30211295, 30211390, 30210978, 30211293, 30211382, 30211504, 30211733, 30211535, 30211531, 30211710, 30211709, 30211045, 5661

Medication Safety for Older Adults

An older woman reviews the instructions on a prescription bottle to ensure medication safety for older adults.

As a person’s age increases, it may seem as though the number of medications that need to be taken also increases. Research backs this up, showing that an astounding 87% of older adults take at least one prescription medication, while 36% take five or even more. On top of that, 38% of older adults are taking OTC medications regularly as well. Mismanaging medications can have dire effects, whether from taking too little or too much or a combination of meds that interact negatively. As a result, taking steps to ensure medication safety for older adults is crucial.

What Are Some of the Top Causes of Medication Mismanagement?

There are several common reasons why people may not take their medications correctly, including:

  • No follow-up from the prescribing doctor. Often, a new medication will be prescribed in a low starter dose, after which the doctor needs to follow up and modify the dosage as needed. If the doctor fails to follow up, the person may continue taking what could very well be an inappropriate dose of the medication.
    * How family caregivers can help: Proactively follow up with the doctor and report on how a new medication works. Make note of any side effects to see if the dosage needs to be adjusted.
  • Negative side effects. If the negatives outweigh the positives, a person may simply discontinue taking the medication. However, medication should never be stopped or changed without the doctor’s approval.
    * How family caregivers help: Tell the doctor immediately about any side effects a person is experiencing so they can evaluate whether (and how) the medication should be changed or discontinued.
  • Medication adherence challenges. Each medication has its own guidelines, such as taking it at a specific time each day, taking it with food or water or on an empty stomach, etc. It’s easy to get these directions confused when taking a variety of different meds.
    * How family caregivers can help: Placing the meds in a pill organizer can help to ensure they are taken at the correct time. You can also create a simple chart to keep with the organizer that indicates how each medicine should be taken.
  • Cost. A person may struggle with paying the sometimes exorbitant cost for medications and, as a result, decide not to take them or cut the dosage in half to save money. Both of these actions are extremely dangerous and should never be undertaken without the doctor’s guidance.
    * How family caregivers can help: Talk to the doctor to see if a generic version of the medication is available or if there are any other ways to reduce the cost.

What About Contraindications Among Medications?

There may be multiple doctors prescribing medications for different health conditions. It’s crucial that every member of a person’s healthcare team knows about all of the medications they are taking. This enables them to check for contraindications.

The pharmacist can also advise on whether all of a person’s meds can be taken safely together. This drug interaction checker can provide a quick online assessment. Just enter the meds the person is taking and share any concerns that are displayed with the prescribing doctor(s).

How Can Home Care Help?

The services of a referred care provider from American, Advocate, or Whitsyms In-Home Care can help improve medication safety for older adults. With services such as medication reminders, monitoring for any side effects and reporting them immediately, offering transportation to medical appointments, and much more, families can find peace of mind knowing a loved one is taking medications as prescribed.

Contact us to learn more about how a referred care provider can help older loved ones benefit from their medications and avoid complications. Click the link to the location nearest you below:

State of Florida License and Registration Numbers: 30211518, 30211651, 30211295, 30211390, 30210978, 30211293, 30211382, 30211504, 30211733, 30211535, 30211531, 30211710, 30211709, 30211045, 5661

Tips for Overcoming Common Sleep Disturbances in Older Adults

A woman lies awake in bed with insomnia, which is one of many common sleep disturbances in older adults.

After a busy day, there’s nothing like climbing into bed for a restful night’s sleep. But for millions of older adults, sleep is elusive. They may find it difficult to fall asleep or to stay asleep. A variety of factors can impact a person’s quality of sleep, especially as a person ages.
At American, Advocate, and Whitsmys In-Home Care, we know how important a good night’s sleep is for people of all ages. Poor sleep can impact a person’s quality of life. For older adults, it’s common to experience changes in the duration and quality of sleep.

What Are Some Common Sleep Disturbances in Older Adults?

Researchers have found that older adults’ sleep can be impacted by a variety of factors, including:

  • Health conditions. Physical and mental health can impact a person’s ability to have restful sleep. Conditions such as anxiety, depression, diabetes, and heart disease commonly impact sleep quality and quantity.
  • Lifestyle changes. Stress, retirement, or other lifestyle changes may impact a person’s regular sleep-wake schedule. This can lead to insomnia or difficulties falling asleep.
  • Waking up at night. Research has shown that as people age, they often experience a change in how they cycle through the different stages of sleep. These shifts can contribute to more frequent waking and fragmented, less restful sleep.
  • Daytime napping. Extended napping, especially later in the day, can make it difficult to fall asleep at night.
  • Shifting sleep schedules. As people age, their circadian rhythms shift forward. This may mean that a person is tired earlier in the afternoon and wakes earlier in the morning.
  • Pain. Discomfort and pain may interfere with sleep, making deep, restful sleep impossible because pain keeps the person awake.
  • Sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition where breathing repeatedly stops and starts. It causes fragmented sleep and can make a person feel exhausted, even after a full night’s sleep. If a person snores, it’s important to see a doctor in order to rule out sleep apnea.
  • Insomnia. Difficulty falling and staying asleep is a common issue for many people. Insomnia can be caused by various reasons and can improve with treatment.
  • Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). Impacting up to 20% of older adults, RLS is defined by an urge to move the legs while resting or sleeping.
  • REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD). Primarily affecting older adults, RBD can cause people to physically act out their dreams, sometimes violently.
  • Nighttime urination. As people age, their urinary system often changes, causing an increased urge to urinate frequently at night.
  • Tips to Improve Sleep for Older Adults While some common sleep disturbances in older adults require intervention from a physician, several steps can be implemented at home to improve the quality of sleep. By making lifestyle and environmental changes and establishing good sleep hygiene habits, it’s possible to achieve restful, quality sleep.
  • Avoid food and beverages that discourage sleep. Tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, and large meals late in the day can interfere with sleep. Reduce caffeine intake, eat at least four hours before bedtime, and work on a smoking cessation program with the doctor.
  • Exercise. Regular exercise helps people fall asleep faster, sleep longer, and achieve better quality sleep. Exercise also provides a number of other benefits and improved overall health.
  • Develop a bedtime routine. Engage in activities that are relaxing before bed. Consider taking a warm bath or shower, reading, listening to soothing music, meditation, or prayer.
  • Reduce bedtime distractions. Smartphones, bright lights, and televisions are all distractions that make it more challenging to fall asleep. Move electronics out of the bedroom and designate that space for sleeping only.
  • Implement a consistent sleep schedule. Designate a specific time to go to bed and to wake up each day and maintain that schedule every day, even on weekends.

In-Home Care Services Can Help!

Frequently, older adults, especially if they live alone, may lack a routine and regular engagement opportunities, making sleep difficult during normal nighttime hours. The trusted referred care providers from American, Advocate, or Whitsyms In-Home Care can help by providing friendly companionship, transportation to social activities, nutritious meals, encouragement for physician-approved exercise, and more. Referred care providers can also take the night shift if a person has difficulty sleeping, providing family caregivers with respite and the needed sleep.

Contact us any time to learn more about the in-home care services Florida families have trusted since 1992 by clicking the link to the location nearest you below:

State of Florida License and Registration Numbers: 30211518, 30211651, 30211295, 30211390, 30210978, 30211293, 30211382, 30211504, 30211733, 30211535, 30211531, 30211710, 30211709, 30211045, 5661

Top Vaccine Recommendations for Older Adults

An older woman receives a shot after following the vaccine recommendations from her physician.

As summer comes to a close and students head back to school, it means that cold and flu season is right around the corner. While illnesses like a cold or the flu tend to be harmless to most people, older adults are often at a greater risk for complications from them. Knowing vaccine recommendations and encouraging loved ones to get vaccinated can help greatly reduce those risks.

Vaccines play an important role in protecting people from severe illness, particularly older adults. Many people have weakened immune systems due to age or to chronic illnesses, which can make contracting the flu more dangerous. While an otherwise healthy young person might be able to stay home and nurse a flu for a few days, a person in their 70s or 80s is more likely to experience severe symptoms or even end up hospitalized from the same illness.

What Are the Vaccine Recommendations for Seniors?

To follow are the top vaccines that doctors recommend people age 65 and over receive:

  • Influenza vaccine: While the flu shot is not 100 percent effective at preventing the virus, it does greatly decrease a person’s chance of getting it. The flu vaccine is recommended for both children and adults, and there is a special emphasis for those over the age of 65. People with certain medical conditions are also encouraged to get the flu shot due to heightened risk of complications.
  • Pneumonia vaccine: Pneumonia causes an inflammation in the lungs which can be serious even for young, healthy individuals. For older adults, and those with chronic health issues, the infection poses significant risk, which is why getting vaccinated is highly recommended.
  • COVID-19 vaccine: There isn’t yet a vaccine that will prevent contracting COVID-19. However, the current COVID-19 vaccine has been shown to greatly reduce a person’s chances of severe illness from the virus.
  • Tetanus and pertussis vaccine: Tetanus is caused by a bacteria found in dust, manure, and soil that enters the body through a break in the skin. The disease can be deadly. While most people are vaccinated against tetanus as children, boosters are recommended every 10 years. Today, tetanus shots are usually combined with pertussis, or whooping cough, vaccines. Whooping cough is also a serious and sometimes deadly infection for children and older adults. Even if a person received a pertussis vaccine as a child, immunity can wane over time. Talk to the senior’s doctor to see if a booster is needed.
  • Shingles vaccine: Shingles is a viral infection caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. If a person has had chickenpox before, the virus remains in the nervous system and may reemerge as shingles. Shingles causes a painful rash that can be disabling until it clears. The shingles vaccine can help prevent the reemergence of the painful virus for seniors.
  • RSV vaccine: Respiratory Syncytial virus or RSV is a seasonal illness that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. If RSV makes its way into the lungs, causing lower respiratory tract disease, it can lead to life-threatening complications in babies and older adults. Two newly-approved vaccines aim to protect vulnerable people from severe RSV and are recommended for people ages 60 years and older. Speak with a senior’s physician to discuss which RSV vaccine is recommended this fall.

Are Vaccines Safe?

The simple answer is, yes. Vaccines pose minimal risks to the general population, and serious complications from vaccines are rare. If you have any concerns about a particular vaccination, talk to the doctor about them. He or she can help determine if you are at risk for any serious side effects.

How Can In-Home Care Services Help?

The services of a referred care provider from American, Advocate, or Whitsyms In-Home Care can help older loved ones stay safe, happy, and healthy all through the year. Referred care providers can provide transportation to vaccine appointments, monitor for side effects, ensure the older adult’s home is clean and sanitary to help prevent transmission of illnesses, and much more.

Contact us to learn more about how a referred care provider can help older loved ones stay healthy during cold and flu season and throughout the year. Click the link to the location nearest you below:

State of Florida License and Registration Numbers: 30211518, 30211651, 30211295, 30211390, 30210978, 30211293, 30211382, 30211504, 30211733, 30211535, 30211531, 30211710, 30211709, 30211045, 5661

Is It Alzheimer’s or Forgetfulness?

Learn how to tell whether it’s Alzheimer’s or forgetfulness.

Dad has seemed more confused than usual lately. He misplaced his car keys, only to discover they were in the linen closet. He often starts a sentence and forgets what he was going to say. Sometimes, he doesn’t even remember your name. Could it be Alzheimer’s, or simply normal age-related forgetfulness?

How Can You Tell if It’s Alzheimer’s or Forgetfulness – or Something Else?

If you’re at all concerned about a loved one’s cognitive functioning, an evaluation by the doctor is always a good idea. In addition to Alzheimer’s disease, there are other health conditions and even medication side effects that closely resemble dementia.

Following are some of the key warning signs of Alzheimer’s, along with normal age-related changes, to help you better understand the differences.

Red Flags of Alzheimer’s:

  • Confusion with daily tasks that were once easy to accomplish, such as getting lost enroute to a familiar destination, taking a shower and getting dressed, or playing a familiar game.
  • Problem-solving difficulties and struggles with tasks that require multiple steps, such as paying bills or preparing a meal.
  • Losing track of time and space, such as not remembering what month or season it is, where they are, or how they arrived at their current location.
  • Poor judgment and decision-making, such as making extravagant purchases, giving away large sums of money, and refusing to change clothes or tend to personal hygiene needs.
  • Personality changes, such as increased fearfulness, depression, anxiety, and suspiciousness, or any other behaviors or moods that are out of character for the person.

Typical Effects of Aging:

  • Occasionally needing reminders or feeling the need to write down important dates and appointments so they aren’t forgotten.
  • Making a mistake now and then when paying bills or preparing a meal.
  • Momentarily forgetting what day of the week it is, but then remembering.
  • Making a poor decision once in a while, such as splurging on an unnecessary item.
  • Feeling upset or anxious about an unexpected change, within the realm of normal behaviors and mood.

Whatever the Cause – Home Care Can Help!

Whether an older adult has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or another chronic health condition, or simply would like a little extra help at home to make life safer, more comfortable, or more enjoyable, a referred care provider from American, Advocate, or Whitsyms In-Home Care can help! Referred, experienced care professionals can work with you to customize in-home care services to the unique needs of each individual.

From specialized care for someone with dementia to companionship for enjoyable conversations and everything in between, referred caregivers improve quality of life in a variety of ways for the people they serve, and bring peace of mind to the families who love them.

Contact us to learn more about how a referred care provider can make a difference in the life of someone you love. Click the link to the location nearest you below:

State of Florida License and Registration Numbers: 30211518, 30211651, 30211295, 30211390, 30210978, 30211293, 30211382, 30211504, 30211733, 30211535, 30211531, 30211710, 30211709, 30211045, 5661

The Power of Self-Recognition: How Celebrating Caregiving Accomplishments Reduces Stress

Keeping track of your caregiving accomplishments can help reduce stress and build resilience during challenging times.

For family caregivers, it's easy to get bogged down in the details and to feel frustrated and stressed when providing care for an older loved one. There are days when the negative aspects of caregiving are all you can see. You got frustrated with Mom and snapped at her. Dad just didn’t want to eat today and nothing you did helped. These events can make it feel like every day is an uphill battle.

However, in the midst of challenges, there are often little accomplishments to celebrate too. Instead of focusing on what went wrong or what to improve, celebrate your caregiving accomplishments by acknowledging what worked and what went right.

What Are the Benefits of Celebrating Caregiving Accomplishments?

If you’re waiting for others to thank you or recognize you for your caregiving accomplishments, you may be waiting a while. That’s why it’s important to recognize them yourself! And, there are benefits to giving yourself some much-needed positive recognition too. In fact, celebrating your successes can:

  • Increase positive emotions like happiness, self-respect, and confidence
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Boost your mood
  • Help you have the confidence to overcome challenges in the future

How to Keep Track of Your Success

Often, it seems that negative moments overshadow positive ones. That’s why it can be hard to recognize when something has gone right or when you’ve accomplished something. Writing down accomplishments can help you reflect on your day or week and celebrate your wins. It also gives you a positive space to come back to when times are hard.

A simple notebook or journal is a great place to track your caregiving accomplishments. Remember to write down all wins, even the smallest ones. Your accomplishments could be:

  • Shared a laugh with Mom while having breakfast
  • Got Dad to eat a healthy dinner despite some fuss on his part
  • Stayed calm when Mom got agitated and helped her get changed for bed
  • Made it to Dad’s doctor’s appointment on time
  • Stayed hydrated and ate well yourself

Each day as a caregiver can look different, and some days will be better than others. Looking back over your accomplishments can help keep you going during the tough days and encourage you to do even more on your good ones.

How Can Home Care Help?

The good news for family caregivers? You don’t have to do it alone! A referred care provider from American, Advocate, or Whitsyms In-Home Care can provide respite care to help you take some time to rest, recharge, and remember just how great you are at caring for a loved one.

Reach out to us today to learn more about how a referred care provider can help you find the respite care you need. To get started, click the link to the location nearest you below:

State of Florida License and Registration Numbers: 30211518, 30211651, 30211295, 30211390, 30210978, 30211293, 30211382, 30211504, 30211733, 30211535, 30211531, 30211710, 30211709, 30211045, 5661

The Rise of AI Scams: Protecting Older Adults from Cloned Voice Scammers

Learn about the latest AI scams and safeguard the older adults you love from these deceptive tactics.

The infamous “grandparent scam” has been around for years. In this scenario, the scammer calls a senior, posing as their grandchild and requesting funds for some sort of catastrophe.

While this is extremely concerning in and of itself, the voice of the scam artist could give away the ruse. Not so with the latest AI scams targeting seniors, which is causing even the most seasoned scam detectors to worry.

“There are a lot of scams out there that are pretty worrisome, and I always try to kind of temper that a little bit, but this one really does scare me,” explains cyber analyst Alex Hamerstone.

How Do AI Scams Work?

AI (artificial intelligence) scammers utilize the storyline of the grandparent scam, yet are able to play a cloned version of the grandchild’s actual voice. Cloning software requires as little of a few seconds of audio to create an alarmingly accurate replica of the person’s voice.
With so many young people on social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, this makes an AI scammer’s job easy.

The ease of using this technology magnifies the danger even further. Anyone can simply download the cloning app, add in the recorded audio, and then type in whatever they want the person to say. The app will clone the voice so closely that it’s nearly impossible to detect any difference.

Not only that, but scammers can even make calls appear to come from any phone number they choose, from businesses like a bank to any individual’s phone number.

Take These Steps to Protect Seniors From AI Scams

The Florida home care experts at American, Advocate, and Whitsyms In-Home Care offer these tips to protect older loved ones from AI scams:

  • Educate. Talk with everyone in your family about AI scams and how they work.
    Choose a code word. Have everyone agree on a “safe word” that no one outside of the family will know. If a suspicious call comes in, ask the person to tell you the secret code.
  • Confirm. In the absence of a code word, tell the caller you’re going to hang up and call right back to confirm that they actually are who they say they are.
  • Click cautiously. Be careful about clicking links sent in emails or ads to download software, even if they look like they’re from a trusted source. Scammers are very good at what they do!
  • Report it. If you suspect a senior loved one has been the victim of any kind of scam, call the police to file a report. You can also file a report with the Federal Trade Commission at

Home Care Can Help Keep Seniors Safe From Scammers!

A referred care provider from American, Advocate, or Whitsyms In-Home Care can serve as an extra set of eyes and ears to protect older adults from scam artists. They also serve as wonderful companions to alleviate loneliness – something that can increase a senior’s vulnerability to scams.

Contact us to learn more about how a referred care provider can help enhance safety and security for the older adults you love. Click the link to the location nearest you below:

State of Florida License and Registration Numbers: 30211518, 30211651, 30211295, 30211390, 30210978, 30211293, 30211382, 30211504, 30211733, 30211535, 30211531, 30211710, 30211709, 30211045, 5661

Top 5 Skills for Being an Effective Advocate for Older Parents

These five essential skills will help family caregivers effectively advocate for their older parents.

Being an advocate for older parents is one of the most important parts of being a family caregiver. Through advocacy, family caregivers ensure their loved ones' wishes are being honored and respected.

But effectively advocating for older parents isn’t one innate skill. In fact, it is multiple skills combined that allow you to observe, communicate, and persevere on behalf of your loved ones. American, Advocate, and Whitsyms In-Home Care shares the information below for tips on how to become an effective advocate for your older parents.

What Skills Can I Develop to Be a Better Advocate for my Older Parents?

  1. Observation. You’ve worked all day, and now you’re caring for Mom. You’re exhausted. It can be hard to notice the little things when you’re feeling overwhelmed. However, small changes in a loved one’s behavior or health are important and can indicate a looming medical issue that you’ll need to discuss with a loved one’s healthcare team. So how can you improve your skills of observation? Keep a notebook handy so you can jot down your observations about a loved one and track the changes over time. If you live at a distance from a loved one and don’t see them daily, ask neighbors or friends who are interacting with them to share any insight or concerns.
  2. Communication. In any relationship, good communication is key. Prior to a meeting with a doctor, attorney, or other professionals on behalf of a loved one, have notes ready so that you can communicate clearly and concisely. Because these topics are often stressful, be respectful and set emotions aside when advocating for a loved one. Finally, find out how the office likes to communicate (i.e., via phone, email, text, etc.). Then be sure to contact them that way when you have questions or concerns.
  3. Questioning. An older loved one’s medical, financial, and legal needs can be complex. It can feel easiest to just go with the flow and take each professional at their word. However, it is vital to raise questions to ensure everyone is on the same page. Learn as much as you can about your loved one’s health conditions and financial and legal affairs. This way, you’ll know what to ask and when. Before meetings or appointments, prepare a list of questions. Overall, it is important to never assume anything and clarify everything.
  4. Organization. Staying on top of a loved one’s care plan can be challenging. There are often many moving parts, medications, appointments, and more to keep track of, so being organized is vital. If you struggle with organization in general, consider taking an organization course. There are also plenty of apps that are designed to help organize appointments, medication reminders, important documents, etc.
  5. Tenacity. As an advocate for an aging loved one, tenacity is by far one of the biggest skills you can develop. To ensure that your loved one gets the care and services they need, be clear about your goals and surround yourself with professionals who are dedicated to helping you achieve them. Lean on close friends for support when needed, and consider joining a caregiver support group to learn from others who have been where you are.

Enlisting the help of a professional care provider can be a great help as well. A referred care provider from American, Advocate, or Whitsyms In-Home Care can help family caregivers better advocate for older loved ones, particularly when distance is an issue. Here are just a few of the ways we can help:

Reach out to us to find out more about how a skilled and experienced referred care provider can assist your loved one and aid in advocacy by clicking the link to the location nearest you below:

State of Florida License and Registration Numbers: 30211518, 30211651, 30211295, 30211390, 30210978, 30211293, 30211382, 30211504, 30211733, 30211535, 30211531, 30211710, 30211709, 30211045, 5661

Exploring the Link Between Vision Changes and Dementia

Learn why vision changes and dementia are commonly experienced together and how you can help.

Consider the many complex tasks the brain accomplishes to help you see and comprehend what you’re seeing. The eyes transmit data that must to be intricately combined with memories, input from other senses, and details on the environment around you.
In an instant, you know there’s an orange tabby cat that looks just like the one you had as a child resting in the shade of a palm tree. And as long as your eyes are open and focused on what’s around you, your brain is continually providing you with the information you need to understand the world you live in.

Now consider how the brain is affected for someone with dementia. It’s easy to see why vision changes and dementia are linked. This is especially true in the areas of:

  • Depth perception
  • Color and contrast perception
  • Peripheral vision
  • Motion recognition

Vision changes in a person with dementia may result in the individual reaching for a table that’s all the way across the room, for instance. They may mistake a pattern on the floor for 3D objects and walk more cautiously to avoid tripping. These behaviors may be mistaken for hallucinations or may occur in conjunction with hallucinations. Whatever the cause, visual misperceptions can cause someone with dementia to:

  • Think that their reflection in the windows or in a mirror is another person.
  • Have trouble determining where the seat of the chair is to safely sit down.
  • Experience heightened stress and anxiety as a result of the confusion from an overstimulating environment.
  • Struggle to eat or tend to other activities of daily living independently.
  • Think that the events taking place on TV are actually happening in the room.

How Can You Help Someone Experiencing Vision Changes and Dementia?

These recommendations can help a person with dementia live more safely and independently in spite of the vision changes they are experiencing.

  • Make sure that there is plenty of light in each room of the home.
  • If any specific items cause the person to feel especially stressed or confused, remove them if at all possible.
  • Keep the curtains drawn at nighttime or whenever the sun is causing a glare to eliminate reflections.
  • Use contrasting colors whenever possible. For instance, avoid serving white mashed potatoes on a white plate. Light-colored foods on dark-colored dishes, and vice versa, are much easier to see.
  • Explore different adaptive and tech devices to promote independence, such as phones, watches, and remote controls with larger-sized buttons and numbers.

How Can In-Home Care Services Help?

A referred care provider from American, Advocate or Whitsyms In-Home Care can help older adults with a wide variety of challenges, including vision changes and dementia. In-home care allows family members to step away from their care responsibilities with peace of mind in knowing a loved one is receiving professional care from a skilled care provider.
Just a few of the many services offered include:

  • Companionship to enhance socialization through engaging conversations, activities, hobbies, exercise, etc.
  • Specialized care for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia.
  • Assistance and support with personal hygiene needs, such as showers or baths, getting dressed, etc.
  • Around-the-clock care and live-in care.
  • Transitional care following a surgical procedure or hospitalization.
  • Skilled nursing and home health care.
  • And more.

Reach out to us to find out more about in-home care for older adults, provided by a skilled and experienced referred care provider, by clicking the link to the location nearest you below:

State of Florida License and Registration Numbers: 30211518, 30211651, 30211295, 30211390, 30210978, 30211293, 30211382, 30211504, 30211733, 30211535, 30211531, 30211710, 30211709, 30211045, 5661